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Payment and Regulations


Pre-payment is required for all registered programs. Following receipt of program registration, staff will confirm registration and invoice accordingly with payment options. Registration is not guaranteed until payment is received.

Please use one of the following payment options once you receive your program registration invoice (be sure to include your account number).

  1. A drop box is available at the Municipal Office at 330 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel located to the right of the front doors. We ask that you only pay with cheque/bank draft with this option. In a sealed envelope, please include your payment and payment slip to ensure payment is applied to the correct account.
  2. Mail cheque payable to the Municipality of North Perth.
  3. Telephone or online banking choosing the right payment option and using the right account number. If you have any questions, please contact 519-291-2950 ext. 2086.
  4. E-transfer - please contact 519-291-2950 ext. 2086 for more details.
  5. Credit card - If you are paying online by credit card, please make sure that you have received registration confirmation from our Parks and Recreation Booking Coordinator before making your payment. The button below will take you to the eCommerce page where you can make a credit card payment. A convenience charge per transaction will apply as this service is administered through a third party. Please ensure you are using your correct account receivable account number when making your payment. A $10 transfer fee will be applied to any payments made to incorrect accounts.

Financial Aid

We believe every child should have access to sport opportunities in our community! The Municipality of North Perth is a supporter of the North Perth Sports For Kids Fund. This fund provides financial aid to families with financial need or extenuating circumstances. If you require financial aid, please complete the form North Perth Sports for Kids Fund and email it to

*Please email following submission of Sports for Kids Fund or other source of financial support for registered recreation programs

Rowan's Law

Rowan's Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 makes it mandatory for sports organizations to:

  1. Ensure athletes under 26 years of age, parents of athletes under 18, coaches, team trainers and officials confirm every year that they have reviewed Ontario's Concussion Awareness Resources
  2. Establish a Code of Conduct that sets out rules of behaviour to support concussion prevention
  3. Establish a Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport protocol

As a Municipality providing recreation programming, North Perth is considered a sports organization under this law. To participate in our recreation programs, participants and their parents/guardians must:

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