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    TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Municipality of North Perth passed By-law No. 37-2024 on the 8th day of July, 2024, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990.

    AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of North Perth not later than the 30th day of July, 2024, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection and accompanied by the proper fee.

  • Celebrating new green space opening in downtown Listowel

    North Perth, July 3, 2024 — The Municipality of North Perth was excited to host a ribbon cutting ceremony for the grand opening of the new parkette located in the downtown core of Listowel. The goal of the project was to promote local business by bringing people together in the downtown to an inviting, beautiful space that accommodates outdoor dining, events and gathering.  The new parkette and dining space is already being enjoyed by community members and visitors.

  • Notice of Public Meeting: Regarding Development Charges

    Take notice that on Monday, July 8, 2024, the Council of the Municipality of North Perth will hold a public meeting pursuant to The Development Charges Act, 1997, regarding proposed development charge rates and policies that will be applied throughout the Municipality (and associated urban area charges) and in the North East Master Plan Area (NEMP). It is proposed that enactment of the development charges by-laws by Council would occur on a date subsequent to the public meeting.


    TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Municipality of North Perth passed By-law No. 42-2024 on the 27th day of May, 2024, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990.

    AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of North Perth not later than the 19th day of June, 2024, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection and accompanied by the proper fee.

  • North Perth Fire Department responds to a Fire at the Listowel Memorial Hospital

    North Perth, May 28, 2024 – At 09:28 this morning, the North Perth Fire Department responded to a call at Listowel Memorial Hospital. All three fire stations were dispatched to the scene.

    The fire was contained to the room of origin, located in the north wing of the second floor, which is currently undergoing construction. There were no injuries as a result of this incident.

  • Public Notice: Community Improvement Plan Final Draft Review

    Public Meeting: Community Improvement Plan Final Draft Review 

    TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of North Perth will be holding a Statutory Public Meeting under Section 28 of the Planning Act, to consider the final draft of the North Perth Attainable Housing Community Improvement Plan. The meeting will be held in a hybrid format, allowing participants to comment on the CIP either in-person or virtually. 


    Public input on applications is invited.  Pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act, the Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality of North Perth invites you to consider applications for minor variance and/or to forward written comments prior to the hearing.  During this time, written comments are preferred method of receiving public input.  Written comments may be sent by email or hand delivered to the municipal office drop box.  You can also provide oral input by joining the meeting.

    FILE NUMBER: A03-2024

    RE: AN APPLICATION BY: James Watson on behalf of Matt Harrison and Luke Williams

    LOCATION OF PROPERTY: East Part Lot 17, Plan 159, Listowel Ward, Municipality of North Perth (640 Elizabeth Street West)

    PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: The purpose of the application for minor variance is to request relief from Section 10.7.4 a) of the North Perth Zoning By-law to reduce the minimum interior side yard width from 1.8 m to 1.5 m to facilitate the construction of a 1-storey, Fourplex.

  • News Post: North Perth Breaks Ground for Future Listowel Memorial Arena Park

    North Perth, May 7, 2024 – The sod has been turned and construction is officially underway at the future site of the Listowel Memorial Arena Park (MAP ‘59). The ground-breaking marks a significant step forward in honouring the memory of the tragic events of February 28, 1959. The collapse of the former arena structure claimed eight lives, including seven young hockey players and their referee/recreation director.

    The initiative to create the Listowel Memorial Arena Park stems from the community's desire to commemorate the lives lost and provide a space for remembrance and recreation. The MAP ‘59 Fundraising Committee has spearheaded efforts, raising over $700,000 towards the project, showcasing the community's unwavering support and commitment.


    TAKE NOTICE a statutory public meeting is scheduled to discuss a proposed amendment to the North Perth Zoning By-law affecting the above-noted property. Pursuant to Section 34 (10.4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, the application was deemed complete on March 11, 2024.  This Notice is being provided in accordance with the Planning Act (1990) and Ontario Regulation 545/06.

    Purpose and Effect: The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment Application is to rezone the property from the Rural Residential Zone (RR) to a site-specific Residential Zone Five (R5-21). The R5-21 Zone is requested to allow for cluster housing dwelling which is defined in section as, “a group or groups of dwelling units which may be in various forms, and so located on a lot that each dwelling unit may not have legal frontage on a public street or road and more than one dwelling unit may exist on one lot”.

    The RR zone does not permit cluster housing dwelling hence the request by the applicants for the change. The site-specific nature of the R5-21 zone will be to permit a rear yard setback of 4.5 m whereas 7.5 m is required for two-storey cluster housing dwelling. 


    TAKE NOTICE a statutory public meeting is scheduled to discuss a proposed amendment to the North Perth Zoning By-law affecting the above-noted property. Pursuant to Section 34 (10.4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, the application was deemed complete on April 11, 2024.  This Notice is being provided in accordance with the Planning Act (1990) and Ontario Regulation 545/06.

    Purpose and Effect: An application has been received requesting the rezoning of a former Aggregate licensed area (MAR) to Agriculture (A). Extraction has been completed on the site with rehabilitation of the aggregate area to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Natural Resources. The rezoning is a condition of Consent B19-22 which was approved on May 18th, 2023.

Contact Us

Municipality of North Perth
330 Wallace Avenue North
Listowel, ON N4W 1L3

Tel: 519-291-2950
Toll Free: 1-888-714-1993

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